Thursday, 6 February 2020

Humanitarne traktowanie i ochrony zwierząt wykorzystywanych do celów naukowych

humanitarne traktowanie i ochrony zwierząt wykorzystywanych do celów naukowych 

Oto materiały dotyczące humanitarnego traktowania i ochrony zwierząt wykorzystywanych do celów naukowych przygotowane przez laboratorium referencyjne Unii Europejskiej (EURL ECVAM) z myślą o nauczycielach nauk przyrodniczych (biologii) w szkołach średnich.

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You may recall that the Commission was given additional funding by the European Parliament to promote the uptake of existing alternatives, to facilitate development and validation of new alternatives, to foster the exchange of information, knowledge and best practices and to provide tools for education and training to facilitate the application of the Three Rs.

As part of this initiative, EURL ECVAM was tasked to develop new resources for high school, universities, and early career scientists, and including for educators, so that future generations will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and understanding of the Three Rs.

We are happy to inform that first deliverables are starting to emerge: MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) “The Three Rs and Animal Use in Science” will launch on 13 January.

It is an open access, modular training course aimed at secondary school life sciences (biology) teachers, but the content will be equally interesting to other stakeholders such as teachers of other disciplines, animal user community, NGOs and policymakers alike.

Learning objectives cover:

·         Learn about the different roles that animals play in the society, and where and how animals are being replaced by alternatives.
·         Learn about how animal testing has evolved in history and the different views on animals in science
·         Get to know the principles of the 3R's and the 3R's career profile; how the 3R's are applied and by who they are practiced
·         Learn how to make your students aware of new methods and scientific achievements that enable research without animal testing.
·         Become better at organising and leading classroom debates about animal welfare, animal testing or any other ethically complex topic.
·         Discover ways to hone the critical thinking skills of your students through data, science and media literacy activities

More information on the course at

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